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Pensionnat Shinichi
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I feel I've come to realize how fast life can be compromised. Step back to see what's going on. I can't believe this happened to you. It's just a problem that we're faced with, am I not the only one who hates to stand by. Complications ended first in this line, with all these pictures running through my mind. Knowing endless consequences, I feel so useless in this. Part of me, won't agree, Cause I don't know if it's for sure. Suddenly, I don't feel so insecure.

Trippin out, spinning around. I'm underground. I fell down. I'm freaking out, where am I now? Upside down and I can't stop it now. Can't stop me now. I'll get by. I'll survive when the world's crashing down. When I fall and hit the ground, I will turn myself around. Don't you try to stop me, I won't cry. I found myself in Wonderland. Get back on my feet, on the ground. Is this real? Is this pretend? I'll take a stand until the end. I'll get by. I'll survive when the world's crashing down. I won't cry.


a sugar glaze

beam me up • There's a whole 'nother conversation going on in a parallel universe. Where nothing breaks and nothing hurts. There's a waltz playing frozen in time, blades of grass on tiny bare feet. I look at you and you're looking at me. Could you beam me up, give me a minute, I don't know what I'd say in it. I'd probably just stare, happy just to be there, holding your face. Beam me up, let me be lighter, I'm tired of being a fighter. I think, a minute's enough, just beam me up. Some black birds soaring in the sky, barely a breath I caught one last sight. Tell me that was you, saying goodbye. There are times I feel the shiver and cold, It only happens when I'm on my own. That's how you tell me, I'm not alone.
© dead skinny fox
« aaron samuels »feat. Taylor Lautner
« Dans mes rêves les plus fous, il me tendrait la main. Me dirait, à genoux, que son cœur m'appartient. »
pull the curtain • Paranoia's wearing thin now. Close my eyes, realize, I've become the victimized now. Desensitized now. The one and only day has come, I'll pay for all the bad things I've done. Something's wrong because I find the glamour in the darkside. Cheap regrets, can't forget. Falling victim to the debt still, unpaid in my mind. It's gonna take me, you don't know tragedy. I've been to hell and back, again to tell. Close my eyes and lay me down to sleep. I fear the worst might be the urgence to explode and my time is up so... Why can't I just lie? The living dead awake, the horror show begins so pull the curtains over me. Suffocate the dreams in my mind.
© dead skinny fox
« deryck bizzy d »feat. Deryck Whibley
I'm just doing whatever the fuck I want. Punk rock is not a crime. We're just something your parents will never understand.
the wind blows • I've got to breathe, you can't take that from me cause it's all that you left that's mine. You had to leave and that's all I can see but you told me your love was blind. There are times you're so impossible that I should sign a waiver. And you will find someone worth walking on when you ask me to go. There was a day you threw our love away, then you passed it to someone new. You wanna stay but since you wanna play we can finally say we're through. As I lay in solitude what's a girl supposed to do. I Shake the very thought of you, me together, I remember. Late nights when I stayed up late, all I do is wait and wait. Your never coming home to me, that's the hardest thing to see. I got to breathe, You can't take that from me. We can finally say we're through. You can scream there's just echoes.
© blonde rebellion
« tyson ritter »feat. the all american rejects
Moments in which a smile can graze your face because nothing else matters except you and your song. That’s what I live for.

Things are looking up, I thought I'd never see the day when you smile at me. We always pull through when we try. I'm always wrong but you're never right. Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep? I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this. It's not a dream anymore but it’s worth fighting for. Could have given up so easily, I was a few cheap shots away from the end of me. Taken for granted, almost everything that I would have died for just yesterday. Honestly.

I scraped my knees while I was praying and found a demon in my safest haven, seems like it's getting harder to believe in anything than just to get lost in all my selfish thoughts. I wanna know what it'd be like to find perfection in my pride, to see nothing in the light. And the worst part is before it gets any better we're headed for a cliff and in the free fall I will realize I'm better off when I hit the bottom. Bending, we're taking short cuts and false solutions just to come out the hero.

(c) dead.skinny.fox pour Epicode
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